Thursday, April 23, 2009

The story of me and Him

As we meandered, through the dreary desert,
In meaningless circles, parched and dry...
Thirsty were we, searching were we...

Did we come upon a clearing in the woods,
Lush and green, full of life,
Irresistibly inviting...

Asked did I... lured and wary...
Is this THE Home?
What about our desert tents?
And our treasure bags?

Said did He... confident and steady...
Not at all. The tent is the home.
Let's add a few berries to the treasure bags
For the rest of the journey...

And today,
He's dropped the bags
And gone back Home... to THE Home!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why can't this one final piece in the jigsaw puzzle fit itself in, in whichever way it wants to...

Saturday, April 18, 2009


மயிரே போச்சுன்னு இருக்கணும் ...