Saturday, December 14, 2013


I had made a mention in my previous entry about a list of projects coming my way for which I wasn't prepared for. As I was trying to find my balance in the first of those projects, there came a surprise in the form of project 2, which is what I am handling right now, in Singapore!

If you are curious about what the program is, check out

Sadhguru is coming for a big event in Singapore - Mystic Eye: a one day program with Sadhguru which will be an opportunity to explore the deepest questions in life and empower oneself with powerful practices that will ultimately open the doors to a blissful living.

Coming back to the context of this post, for the first time I traveled in Singapore today. I took the MRT (metro trains). Switched twice to reach my destination. This is what I got to observe today
  • The metro trains are awesome. Got a hold of their map. There are single-bogey trains called LRT which run in localized routes which act as an accessory to the bigger coverage of MRTs. The awesome factor of this system is - it is COMPLETELY AUTOMATED. No drivers and everything operates on time. Doors open and shut automatically. It was amazing!
  • Shorts seem to be the national attire :) Not sure if it was because of Saturday and people were chilling off, but everybody loves wearing shorts. And mind it, these shorts are really really short. My boxers are twice as big as the shorts most women wear here :D
  • Though I could notice distinct features in each (native Singaporean) face, still all put together it seems like a haze when it comes to remembering the random faces. Wonder if they'll find it the same way with Indian faces.
  • Almost everyone's hair is soft and silky texture! Or is there that level of maintenance? I doubt it is the latter
  • Hair in rest of the body is too minimal. The Indians are just at the other end of the spectrum :)
  • The whole population is drowned in smartphones I should say. In my hour and a half's travel, 95% of the population was just pre-occupied with their phones while the remaining 5% were the elderly :)
  • I liked this that everyone was just minding their own business (of course except for the few Tamil youth who were happily "bird-watching")
  • Singapore is almost near the equator. With so much sun, I am wondering how their skin is wheatish white and not tan.
  • This I must admit, I am totally amazed by how people have maintained their body. More than 95% of the people I saw today were quite fit - lithe figure, nimble and active! Quite a heartening sight in times when obesity is the most common disease
  • After work, before getting on to the train, got to go into a local market, Was quite amusing. All kinds of animals were being cut and fried and offered as a delicacy. They thought putting the names in English would help (like Kaa Phoo Pai), but for an ignorant like me, what can I make out of it. Being a veggie, the smell was a little nauseating but it was nice to look at the people, the different colored drinks they sold... next time I want to go and inquire (though I can't eat any of that)... an interesting delicacy I saw today was the "Tea Egg" - Eggs were being boiled in a huge pan of what looked like tea :) [Yes, I made it up - Kaa Phoo Pai :D]
  • Even the bakery shops had a lot of stuff but everything seemed to have some animal content in it. Was happy to see from the windows :D
I've always loved to travel and that too to other nations and cultures. Let's see what else Singapore holds!


Thursday, December 05, 2013

Year in review...

As I came across this blog on a casual visit, I realized the year is almost coming to an end and only two posts this year :) Guess FB has become an easier way to share things...

When it comes to this year, probably I'll write one closer towards the end of this month... but I can remember a few things quite distinctly. The most important of things is about repetitionof cycles. Sadhguru mentioned in a few Sathsangs as to how everything goes in cycles including human life, where life presents you with situations very similar to what has happened before and this cycle repeats itself with a certain rhythm depending on the person's accumulations... It was so strikingly true for me, when I realized my life was just going thru the same twists and turns very similar to what was 10 years ago but in a very fast forward way - cannot explain it, but experiantially it was a whirlwind, life moving ten times its pace and am so glad I could experience such things... I went through such bouts of intense anger, poor thing, shakthi had to bear the brunt of it... But I was so much like 10 years ago - my emtions, thought processes, why even my body and its shape went back 10 years in time. Weird and fantastic...

The Classical Hata Yoga Asanas are super awesome. Ever since I started doing them, my system has a new vibrance all the time :) Feeling elated about it.

It has been mentally heavy work these last few weeks. Wrote this on FB:
Very interesting few months ahead... Really big projects, huge challenges, no prior experiences, heavy multitasking... more than everything, an immense litmus test I give for myself... to my inner stability... Now I understand the possibility in every situation life puts you in... As He would put it "Whatever situation life throws at you, how you respond to it is what makes you who you are..." Soaked in Grace, let me be a conduit to flood the place with the same... — feeling amused.

Right now am quite amused as to what is going to come next...

And for a few of my dear friends, a lot has been happening in their lifes these past few years. I hope the coming months have loads of fortune on their way and that Life works out wonderfully for them :)

And last but never the least.... Shakthiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kutttiiiiieeeeeeeeeee :)  

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Bangalore get together

Had a beautiful get together with my college friends... it was an impromptu one, Raghu happened to be there and it was a coincidence I happened to come to B'lore on that day... Meeting with Anand, Ananth, DSP, Banti and AP at a nice eat-out in UB city... Fun times!

Sunday, March 03, 2013

The phenomenon of a bamboo

These last few weeks have been quite phenomenal. 4 back to back classes - Trivandrum, Bangalore, Pune and Mumbai. The phenomenon is actually what happened on the Sundays. In each of these places, people were exploded in to such profound experiences.

Had shared this on FB last week:

How does the bamboo feel after a beautiful flute piece has been played on it?

Not sure... may be it feels fortunate... may be it realizes how inspite of it being dumb, still phenomenal things can happen through it... may be it feels in Grace...

Being a witness to the phenomena that is happening these last 3 Sundays, especially today, am feeling speechless! THIS, is truly touching lives.

Today what I felt was a deep emptiness... a very profound phenomenon was unfolding right in front of my eyes that I was speechless, emotionless... void. As empty as a flute, now music can play... Nothing but to bow down to the phenomenon and take the sub-seat and allow things to happen. One must truly be fortunate to be in the place that has been bestowed... Any amount of property, gadgetry, social security or any damn thing, cannot even come close to what I've been witnessing these days.

In gratitude... In Grace...

Life of Me
An apparition out of nowhere
And a week's love affair...
Change the lives, like a charm
Rob them all, hearts in arm
Songs and laughter
Many a tune
All but, a cunning lure...

Beneath the saffron
Hides the Maestro
Who drives this pied-piper...
All songs and charms
A puppet's play
The life of me
A pseudo pied piper...