Thursday, December 31, 2009

New year :-)

As I was pondering to write a new post for the new year, I chanced upon Deepak's post and he has exactly written what I wanted to... Here you go.

A new year means nothing existentially. It is as trivial or as important as any other day. But in the human mindset, there is a difference. There's a possibility for renewal. That is where the significance is. Personally, I can't remember any time in the recent past when I attributed any significance to new years. What I wish is for renewal, every moment.

The very first wish I wrote as a greeting in FB was "For all those moments gone in unawareness, let every moment pass by in awareness", for some reason, didn't want to share it there.

I was thinking, what happened significantly in my life. Experientially speaking, when I am writing this, it doesn't feel like much, but actually, in terms of enormity/impact of action, yes, so many things happened. A huge shift happened in my personal life. But it doesn't feel like anything. I am only left craving for more awareness.

Thirsty was I,
Water you gave,
Little drops,
Salt water...

More thirsty I am,
More salt water...

This mad thirst...
When will it quench?
Show me the sea
Ready for the dive...


Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...


Can you tell me how you embedded Sadhguru's videos from Mystic Wisdom? It is the first widget on the right side. Thanks.

priya said...

Rams! Didnt know you were such a good poet....beautifully written.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

nice poetic lines.... thanks for sharing that with us......

Work from home India

Prabhu said...

Awesome post anna...